The term 'in-vitro fertilization' or 'test-tube baby' is the procedure to fertilize eggs with sperm outside the human body. Thousands of babies have been conceived through IVF, and it continues to offer hope to infertile couples around the world.
- Male factor Infertility
- Age related Infertility
- Absent or damaged Fallopian Tubes
- Endometriosis
- Unexplained Infertility
- Recurrent Intra-Uterine Insemination Failure
- Tubal and Pelvic Adhesions
- Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Before we begin the treatment, we conduct extensive counseling sessions. The entire process is explained to you and your husband in detail, so that both of you are mentally and physically prepared for the experience. At a high level, the following steps and procedures are followed:
- You are prescribed fertility drugs to help you produce a number of eggs
- Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from your womb after which they are fertilized in a laboratory
- The fertilized eggs become embryos within a few days
- The embryos are then placed in your uterus in the hope that one or more will implant and lead to a successful pregnancy
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is an In-vitro Fertilisation procedure where a sperm is directly injected into an egg.
- Severe Male Infertility like terratozoospermia(abnormal sperm morphology),oligospermia(Very low sperm count) etc
- Where the egg cannot be easily penetrated by the sperm
- Problem in erection and ejaculation,as happens in spinal cord injuries,diabetes etc
- Inconditions where the sperm cannot be ejaculated,but can be collected from the testcles or the epidydymis,as happens in irreversible vasectomy and injury
- Repeated IVF failure due to eggs not getting fertilised
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a form of assisted conception. During IUI, your doctor will place washed, prepared sperm into your uterus (womb) and near to your egg at your time of ovulation. This procedure is often combined with fertility drugs to increase your chances of conceiving.
- Your male partner has a borderline low sperm count or low motility. This is when the sperm's ability to move is impaired. But there must be enough healthy, motile sperm to make the treatment worthwhile. If not, IVF or ICSI may be more suitable
- You are unable to have sex because of disability, injury, or if your partner experiences premature ejaculation
- You have mild endometriosis
- You or your partner's fertility problems are unexplained
IUI isn't recommended if both your tubes have adhesions or scarring that might stop an egg travelling from the ovary to your uterus. But if you have at least one working tube and ovary on the same side, IUI may be an option for you.
For IUI to work, your fallopian tubes must be open and healthy. To find this out, you will need to have a tubal patency test. This can be done using laparoscopy, which is a form of keyhole surgery, or a hysterosalpingogram, which is a form of X-ray. These may locate any problems or blockages in your uterus or fallopian tubes.
If you're unable to conceive using your own eggs, an egg donated by another woman is mixed with your partner's sperm and the resulting embryo is implanted in your uterus. This procedure also can be done with a donated embryo or sperm.
Indications for Donor Egg/Embryo
- If you are above 40 yrs of age and the quality of your eggs is not good,then you may resort to egg donation
- If there is any danger of you passing on a genetic disease to your child
Another woman carries your embryo, or a donor embryo, to term and gives the baby to you after birth
Indications for Surrogacy
- If you're unable to conceive because your uterus is irregular or missing or if various other fertility treatments have failed.