Recommended Do's and Dont's for Health Living - 'Be Here Now'
Beyond medical advice and treatments, we understand the need for a healthy mind which is free of any stress and induces positive energy. In this interest we always talk to our patients and coach them on certain good practices also known as life style changes. Some are listed below for guidance:
1. A Morning walk of at least 30 minutes
2. Proactive participation in a social environment
3. Reject excessive intake or addiction of sugar, nicotine (smoking), alcohol and other such substances which lead to medical illnesses
4. Lead a disciplined and an orderly schedule daily involving meditational (religious or spiritual) routine
5. Avoid processed food such as packaged ready meals or eating out on a regular basis
6. Recognise the power of sharing and excercise philathropy where possible
7. Give time to yourself and rest your mind through meditation or other ways suitable
8. Live in the present. Most important to not think about the past or the future. Enjoy every present moment
9. Be happy and always smile
10. Read daily. Develop an interest in thought provoking and inspiring subjects through biographies and others books (fiction or non-fiction) or newspapers, trade journals and scientific discovery notes
For further discussion and information, please setup an appointment by calling us on 0091-11-26680759 or emailing us at